Course Summaries & more...

Students of Near East University

The Right Place for Excellence

What is Student Aid? 

Hello NEU Students, 

This site is created in the intention of facilitating our educational journey and to oil the wheels of knowledge. Here we share books, solution manuals, lecture notes, presentations, videos, software... all for Free. We're working diligently to expedite the growth of this site in order ease and smooth our journey. 

Kindly note that this platform belongs to a student who's from Near East University

    "Bir işi Yaparken Severek Yapın"

Help us... سَاعِدونا 

If you have any well-shaped material, book, solution manual...  that belongs to any course of any field, please share it with us to bring benefit to your other fellow friends. 

Your name will be in our Honor Roll 

Some Famous and Gorgeous structures 

Eiffel Tower- France

Burj Al Arab- Eimarates

We're Happy to know your suggestions

All rights reserved© 2021 Nicosia, Firas Elhaj Moussa 
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